Does Florida Law Require Employers to Give Overtime Pay to Employees?

It’s crucial to understand your rights as an employee in Florida. You deserve to be fairly compensated for your work, especially if that work falls outside the regular workweek. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the overtime protections that employees are granted under Florida law. 

Overtime Protections Under The FLSA

The Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA, is a federal law that sets regulations for minimum wage, recordkeeping, youth employment, and overtime for most professions. While Florida doesn’t have state laws for overtime compensation, Florida employees are protected under the FLSA.  Continue reading “Does Florida Law Require Employers to Give Overtime Pay to Employees?”

What are the Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents?

Unfortunately, bicyclists face the risk of a devastating accident every time they hit the road. In Florida, there were 182 bicycle fatalities in 2021 alone. 

There are several possible causes of bicycle accidents, the most common of which include:

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of all traffic accidents, including bicycle crashes. Whether drivers are talking on the phone, texting, interacting with passengers, or simply not focused on the road, they can quickly cause a serious collision.  Continue reading “What are the Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents?”

How to Recover Damages From a Car Accident

After a car accident, the process of recovering damages for your losses can seem overwhelming. However, there are steps that you can take to simplify this process and secure the compensation that you’re entitled to. 

Step 1: Receive Medical Attention For Any Injuries. 

Your health comes first. Immediately after an auto accident, ensure that you and your passengers receive prompt medical care for any injuries.  Continue reading “How to Recover Damages From a Car Accident”

When To Hire A Lawyer For An Insurance Claim

Having to file an insurance claim for property damage or personal injury can be a tedious process. In the best-case scenario, the claim will be fairly standard and settle easily. However, in larger, more complex cases, insurance claim disputes may compromise the compensation that you receive for your losses. 

In several instances, hiring an experienced lawyer to help settle an insurance claim is crucial to receiving the compensation that you deserve. Examples of scenarios that often require legal services include: Continue reading “When To Hire A Lawyer For An Insurance Claim”

What To Do at the Scene of a Car Accident

If you’re involved in a car accident, it’s normal to experience stress and anxiety. However, it’s in your best interest to remain as calm as possible. After taking a few deep breaths, go through the following steps to resolve the situation:

1. Call The Police. 

If you’re at the scene of a car accident, the first step to take is to call the police (if no one has done so already). Even for crashes that don’t involve severe injuries, you’ll need the police report for your insurance claim.  Continue reading “What To Do at the Scene of a Car Accident”

When to File an Overtime Claim

As an employee, you’re entitled to fair compensation for your work. Millions of Americans are covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA, which helps ensure that employees are fairly paid. 

If you’re covered under the FLSA and your employer has failed to properly compensate you for overtime work, it may be time to file an overtime claim. Keep reading to learn more about your overtime rights under the FLSA and whether you may need to file a claim.  Continue reading “When to File an Overtime Claim”

What Is the Process of Filing an Auto Accident Claim?

After being in an auto accident, it’s important to promptly file a claim with your car insurance company. Upon approval of your claim, you’ll receive compensation for losses such as damage to your vehicle and medical expenses. 

The process of filing an insurance claim after an auto accident can vary depending on the extent of the damages and the at-fault party. With that said, Florida is a “no-fault” state, meaning that drivers turn to their own insurance companies to file personal injury claims after an accident, regardless of who was at fault.  Continue reading “What Is the Process of Filing an Auto Accident Claim?”

Who’s Eligible for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

The Family Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, grants eligible employees a maximum of 12 weeks of unpaid leave with guaranteed job protection. Under current federal law, employers must legally respect their employees’ rights in the State of Florida. 

FMLA Eligibility

To take job-protected leave under FMLA, you must first prove a legitimate family or medical reason. The qualifying reasons for 12 weeks of leave within a 12-month period under FMLA include: Continue reading “Who’s Eligible for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?”

What is Premises Liability?

Premises liability is a commonly used term in personal injury law. It’s designed to protect individuals in the unfortunate event of an injury or harm, stemming from a property owner’s negligence. 

To learn more about premises liability in the State of Florida, we will get into more details below. 

Defining Premises Liability

Premises liability is involved in personal injury cases that occur due to unsafe conditions caused by the property owner’s negligence. In Florida and across the U.S., property owners are legally required to maintain their properties and ensure a hazard-free environment, to protect the safety of their visitors. Continue reading “What is Premises Liability?”

How Do Wrongful Death Lawsuits Work?

Wrongful death lawsuits are conducted when someone is at legal fault for the death of another. In this type of lawsuit, the deceased’s surviving loved ones can reap compensation for their losses.

Continue reading to learn more about the ins and outs of wrongful death lawsuits.  

When Can a Wrongful Death Claim Be Filed?

A wrongful death claim can be made for any type of accidental death, regardless of the cause. If the defendant’s wrongful action resulted in the death of the victim, this type of legal claim is applicable. Negligence, intentional acts, medical malpractice, and product liability are all possible causes of a wrongful death lawsuit.  Continue reading “How Do Wrongful Death Lawsuits Work?”