After having an auto accident, you have a lot on your mind. You have to get your vehicle repaired or replaced, take care of duties you missed while you were injured, and play catch up at work. You also have to be concerned with dealing with insurance companies, doctors, and follow-up medical care. Having an attorney after an auto accident gives you some much needed support during this time. Here are three reasons you should hire an attorney after an auto accident.
Prove Your Claim
In order to get full compensation for your auto accident, you will need to be able to prove that you were not at fault, who was at fault, and how the accident happened. Much of this information comes from the scene of the accident. But if you didn’t get photos of the scene or contact information for all witnesses, some investigation may be necessary. At times, a reconstruction expert is needed to determine how the accident happened and who was at fault. An attorney can assist with gathering this and other evidence to prove your claim.
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